Practice areas

Yury mainly specializes in complex and multi-phase commercial disputes in arbitrazh (state commercial) courts and arbitration institutions, as well as complex bankruptcy cases (including disputes on challenging transactions and on incurring subsidiary liability – both on the side of the claimant and on the side of the respondent).
In a number of court proceedings in which Yury took part, some of the most important precedents were formed at the level of higher courts which made a significant contribution to the development of Russian court practice.
In addition, Yury was involved in the development of complex litigation strategies for protecting clients when making key business decisions as well as when facing the potential bankruptcy of the client's own company or those of its counterparties.
- representing a foreign leasing company in court in the bankruptcy case of a regional diversified construction organization in a separate dispute on bringing the persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability in the amount of about RUB 1bn
- representing the CEO of one of the largest printing houses in the Moscow region in a dispute on being brought to subsidiary liability in the amount of more than RUB 300m
- representing the interests of a foreign oil and gas company - the owner of a network of filling stations in a corporate dispute and a dispute over the ownership of a number of real estate objects as a result of an attempt to deregister real estate objects on the basis of falsified documents
- advising a beneficiary of an international holding company in a dispute on the establishment of corporate control in the High Court of England and Wales on the issue of establishing the content of the rules of Russian law
- providing legal support to a Swiss financial holding in the bankruptcy case of a regional credit institution in a separate dispute on challenging purchase agreements on credit notes in the amount of more than USD 130m
- implementing a comprehensive strategy for representing the world's leading food trader in court on the claims of Deposit Insurance Agency invalidating several multimillion-dollar transactions in the bankruptcy case of one of the largest banks in the northwest region
Yury’s experience includes his projects before joining BIRCH LEGAL.
- English
- Russian
Load moreMany fundamental legal issues concerning the bankruptcy of foreign companies in Russia were considered in the case.
Senior Associate Yury Knyazev expounds in his article for PRObankruptcy on why the bankruptcy of foreign companies in Russia is not and will not be a ubiquitous instrument for recovering debt.