- advising a chemical product manufacturer on obtaining an integrated environmental permit and implementing continuous emission monitoring systems
- advising an international glass manufacturer on establishing sanitary protection zones, including a common sanitary protection zone with another production facility
- advising an international glass manufacturer on reproducing fish resources and interacting with the Federal Agency for Fisheries at the federal and regional levels
- advising a chemical product manufacturer on negative environmental impact payments, including offset payments and refunds
- advising an international retailer on the purchase and use of secondary (recycled) raw materials in the production of goods in accordance with Russian legislation
- advising an international industrial company on the destruction of extremely dangerous chemical substances formed during the operation of the client's plants
- advising a leading manufacturer of industrial equipment on administrative liability for non-compliance with environmental legislation, including issues of the hazardous production facilities operation
- advising a European forestry company on the implementation of forest projects and forest plantations in Russia as part of a strategy to reduce environmental impact and offset carbon emissions through forest plantations
- assisting a European food manufacturer with drafting the project documentation for redeveloping a bakery in St Petersburg, including clarifications regarding environmental, sanitary, urban planning regulations, as well as assisting during public hearings
- assisting an international industrial company in the COVID-19 pandemic period with drafting documentation justify to the regulatory authorities the need for a chemical plant’s continuous operation to ensure industrial safety requirements
- advising a US multinational conglomerate during inspections conducted by Rosprirodnadzor on their plant’s activities during the COVID-19 pandemic period
- representing a leading investment company in instituting administrative action against the land plot owner responsible for land pollution with hazardous waste
- representing a leading investment company in challenging Rosreestr’s refusal to change the land plots’ configuration to remove the coastal strip from the land plots
- representing an international confectionery manufacturer in a dispute over a lawsuit filed by the Prosecutor's Office concerning the possible demolition of a factory for breach of water protection legislation
- representing an international confectionery manufacturer in a dispute over a lawsuit filed by the Prosecutor's Office to suspend the company's operations in connection with air pollutant emissions
- representing an agricultural company in a dispute with a water services company (Vodokanal) in connection with blood discharge into wastewater where losing the dispute could oblige the client to pay RUB 10-15m a month to the water services company or could result in the termination of said activity. After negotiations, it was possible to conclude an amicable agreement with the water services company
The abovementioned includes the experience of our lawyers both prior to and after joining BIRCH LEGAL