Legal alerts
On 8 August 2024, two laws regulating the procedure of issuing and circulating digital currency (“cryptocurrency”) were simultaneously adopted. The BIRCH LEGAL team prepared an overview of the provisions of these laws.
The BIRCH LEGAL team has closely monitored how courts apply interim measures in disputes with foreign companies in the first half of 2024 and has prepared an overview with its observations.
Towards the end of June, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the RF approved the “Review of judicial practice on certain issues on the application of Art. 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the RF” which summarized its positions related to the imposition of administrative liability for violating the requirements of currency legislation. The BIRCH LEGAL team has highlighted several key points that should be taken into account in your business practices.
The BIRCH LEGAL team prepared an overview detailing the role of CDT operators, the specifics that apply to CDT operators in Moscow, and the conditions to be included in the agreement to be concluded with federal CDT operators.